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Massage therapists are renowned for being the worst people for looking after their own bodies. Being a massage therapist is a physically demanding job, often with 8 hours or more standing each day and applying pressure onto and into the muscles of their clients. Although most massage therapists know about posture and the importance of using a strong position to create the massage pressure from their whole bodies rather than just their hands or arms, […]
If you walk down any metropolitan high street you will no doubt notice an increasing number of twenty-something men with longer than usual beards and facial hair. This increasingly common trend is sweeping towns and cities across the country. The problem that arises from this is how to take care of and condition the beards and moustaches. Some beard oil recipes worth trying are a blend of carrier oils such as Jojoba, Argan, Coconut or […]
There are people in the world whose main job is to help us sit up correctly, stand in harmony with our bodies, run, walk, play instruments and all forms of movement exactly how nature intended. These amazing people are Alexander Technique teachers. For many teachers this is their overwhelming passion – helping people to reduce injuries, prevent wear and tear on their bodies, and to be able to go further, sit longer, have less pain […]
We are sometimes asked for a deep-tissue massage in our clinic and have to explain why it is not one of the therapies we think need to be listed on our price list. What people don’t know is that for £30 and 4 hours of their time a massage therapist can add the title “deep tissue massage” to their list of qualifications. Sometimes it is a one day or sometimes a 2 day course or unbelievably […]
When looking at a choice of massage therapies offered by some spa’s and clinic’s I often despair that massage will one day stop being a skilled practice by professionals and become a service offered in MacDonalds. “So its a Bigmac and fries and a back-shoulder-stress-buster-massage, and would you like you to supersize that with a coke and a foot massage?”. The menu approach to choosing a massage based on packaged options may be the result […]
Massage treatment continues to grow as a popular therapy to maintain the health of bodies, to treat injuries or to mange excessive stress and tension. However there has also been an increase in the different titles for massage treatments and qualifications. There is one simple reason this happens : To sell massage course to massage therapists! Here in Glasgow many of our massage teaching colleges like to have a progression in their courses so they […]
Most people when they make a herbal tea from loose dried herbs are surprised by how much more flavour, aroma and beneficial effects they have than a prepackaged herbal teabag. The only downside is that it may take a few more seconds to make your tea. Here are 5 different options we recommend. 1. Classic option – a metal tea infuser. These are the quickest and simplest option – open the jaws and grab the […]
Here at Woodland Herbs we have over 100 different herbal teas, however many of us like our morning cup of coffee. Working in a natural health shop we know that there are lots of reasons to cut back on coffee and here are five – maybe they can encourage you to cut back on your coffee habit. 1. Caffeine. Caffeine is a trigger to your adrenal system, the “fight or flight” mechanism humans evolved to […]
Our new class and course calender of natural health talks, workshops and more is now available on our calendar page and also on our facebook page. To keep track of what we are up to you can subscribe to our calendar (at the bottom of the page) or like us on facebook. You can even book online.
The science of sleep is often mentioned in the media, with willing victims having their sleep observed or deprived in dedicated sleep clinics. The difficulty for researchers is that sleep is controlled by the brain, and scientists are still trying to understand how the brain works! Sleep is a natural and necessary state which we all need to experience in order for our bodies to function. While asleep, we have reduced consciousness, experience far less […]
Cleanse & Revitalise Finally it feels like winter has left! After a long, dark winter in which we’ve been eating heavier meals to keep warm, and generally doing less exercise than is perhaps good for us, it’s no surprise that we might be feeling a little run down. Now, as the days are longer and milder, and fresh fruit and veg is more available, is the time to think about preparing for a detox; not […]
What causes us to age? What can we do to age positively and what are the key supplements we should consider?
Bowen and Emmett Technique therapist Brian Murphy talks about his experiences of working with adhesive capsulitis or frozen shoulder.
When stress and stressful things appear to be all around us, what can we do to beat feeling frazzled – naturally?
Since new EU restrictions came into force last year, many have found that their favourite tinctures are no longer on sale over the counter. However, with a little time and some basic items, you can make your own tinctures with the minimum of fuss.
We have just published our program of classes and courses in our clinic in Glasgow for 2012. You can view the years classes on our new calender or you can view the different classes and courses in our online store. We will also be adding them to facebook shortly. Highlights include our a wide range of talks on the first Thursday of each month. We have 2 “big Sunday’s of talks” where you can attend […]
Our Christmas 2011 opening hours are available at A range of therapies will be available between Christmas and New Year. During December we have a special offer in the shop. If you spend £20 we will give you a lovely book of vouchers for each month in 2012, with savings of up to £150 available.
Many of us will have experienced a temporary buzzing or ringing in the years after a night out at a noisy nightclub or concert, particularly if you’ve found yourself close to the speakers. For generations of teenagers, battle-hardened metallers and punks and hedonistic clubbers, how much noise a person can tolerate was often viewed as some sort of masochistic test of prowess. Hopefully such attitudes are disappearing, however. Take a look around next time you […]
Read our September newsletter for suggestions and information on headaches, Magnesium, Passionflower, Shiatsu and more.
Just a quick post to mention that the 2011 program of classes and courses is in full swing at Woodland Herbs. The popular herb walk in Kelvingrove Park is this Thursday (4th August 2011 at 7pm meeting at Woodland Herbs in Glasgow). Our program of talks and events can be found at: current talks program at You can also book and pay online or follow us on facebook (click “like” and visit the events […]
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