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Combudoron Lotion for Insect Bites

Product ID:
For symptomatic relief of insect bites.
size: 25g
  • Description
  • Ingredients
  • Directions
CautionsCautions and Contraindications :Consult your doctor or pharmacist if you are pregnant or if the symptoms worsen or do not go away

Brand/Manufacturer :Weleda

Form :Lotion Spray

Organic Status :

Vegetarian Suitability :Suitable for vegetarians
Typical Ingredients:100 ml contains ethanolic extract of: Urtica urens, Herba (1=2) 95ml; Arnica montana, Planta tota recens (1=2) 5ml. Nominal ethanol content 36% v/v
Typical Dose (if available) :Directions:ADULTS and CHILDREN:Spray affected area and allow to dry. Repeat if neccessary until itching and swelling have eased.

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