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Basil Essential Oil

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10ml of Basil(Ocimum basilicum) essential oil in a brown amber bottle with an integral dropper. Ideal for aromatherapy and other uses.
Size: 10ml
Latin Name: Ocimum basilicum
Plant Family: Labiatae
Extraction: Steam distillation from the herb.
What they do: French Basil can be used on insects' bites and for muscle aches and pains. It is also effective on the immune system and can aid anxiety and fatigue.
History: Basil is widespread over Asia Europe and America; however it holds its centre in Africa. It is now mainly cultivated in Asia and the Mediterranean and the main exporters are France, Italy, Morocco and Egypt. During Ancient Egypt bazil was used during religious ceremonies and as a balm for mummification. It was originally introduced by the romans and Greeks through the commercial routes. For the roman it was considered as a symbol of love and used as an aroma for cooking.
  • Description
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Details :French Basil Essential oil in a brown glass bottle.

CautionsCautions and Contraindications :Non-toxic, can cause mild sensitivity in some cases. Avoid when pregnant. Essential oils must not be applied directly. Do not use during pregnancy.

Brand/Manufacturer :Woodland Herbs

Form :Liquid - Basil Essential Oil

Organic Status :Non-Organic

Vegetarian Suitability :Suitable for Vegetarians
Typical Ingredients :Pure Basil distilled aromatherapy essential oil. For typical constituents of essential oils refer to our links page.
Essential Oils UsageAn essential oil is a concentrated extract of a flower or herb. Essential oils are absorbed into the body (through the nose or skin) therefore it is normally advised that you consult with an aromatherapist before using essential oils if you suffer from a medical condition or take medication. This is also advisable if you are pregnant, or when using oils with children under 18 months.
Essential oils are concentrated extracts and should always be used with care and must be diluted before applying to the skin.
Essential oils should not be taken internally, unless on the advice of a professional, after a consultation.

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