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Medical Herbalism in Glasgow

Medical Herbalism in Glasgow
Herbal medicine is the treatment of ailments using plant remedies in a therapeutic dose. This is normally done with the advice of a trained medical herbalist, who can combine a number of herbs in a prescription for optimum effect. Although some herbs are appropriate for specific ailments, herbs are most often used to support the body's ability to heal itself. This is why herbal medicine is often considered a holistic therapy, it treats the person and not just the condition.
Herbal medicine is the oldest and still the most popular form of medicine throughout the world. While many people buy their herbs over the counter from shops such as our Glasgow herbalist dispensary, a consultation with a medical herbalist therapist allows a herbal prescription to be written specifically for you. A herbalist who is a Member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (MNIMH) have had four years training, enabling them to prescribe safely from a wide range of herbs. Medical herbalists in Britain use herbs primarily from Europe, but also from all over the world to treat both physical and emotional problems. Herbal medicine is successfully used to treat millions of people throughout the world for a large range of problems.
The following are testimonials of patients treated by medical herbalists at Woodland Herbs:

"I didn't realise how bad my periods were, I would just have put up with it and I am delighted how much they have improved." Miss L, Glasgow.

"Much better - my IBS attacks are less frequent and less severe" Mrs S, Kirkintilloch.

What to Expect in during a Herbalist Consultation?

Herbs have been used for many centuries and medical herbalists have access to information on potential drug interactions and are trained to degree level. Herbal medicines are normally a more "gentle" treatment, using doses appropriate to the individual. Medicine charges are comparable with NHS prescription charges and the cost of a consultation may be less than you would think. Herbs bought through a medical herbalist are often cheaper than over the counter herbal products.

Herbal medicine consultations treat the patient not the illness. Initial consultations normally last for one hour, allowing assessment of other contributing factors such as diet and lifestyle changes. Herbs support the functioning and nourish the body allowing the body to help itself.

Herbal medicine is suitable for all stages of life; from birth to old age.

Interview with Anna Hill Medical Herbalist

Ten ailments treated by a Medical Herbalist

Children's Herbal Herbalism Clinic Glasgow

Children's Herbal Herbalism Clinic Glasgow

Our herbalist's can treat children from biirth onwards using herbs, natural remedies, supplements and diet. For more informationon our children's herbalism clinic in glasgow Click Here

Medical Herbalism Calendar

Herbalism clinic times and prices are shown below - click on the therapists name below for more information about them or click here to view the full clinic diary.

Herbal Medicine

Therapist Catriona Gibson


  • 1hr £40
  • Full Time Student £20

  • Book Now by Phone or Email
  • Tuesday
  • morn and aft

Therapist Anna Hill


  • 1hr £40
  • Full Time Student attending the Glasgow Clinic £20

  • Book Now by Phone or Email
  • Tuesday
  • aft and eve
  • Wednesday
  • morn and aft
  • Thursday
  • aft and eve
  • Friday
  • morn and aft
Book Now by Phone or Email If you are ready to book or need to ask a question then please get in touch.
Important Information; Pregnancy is often aided by herbal medicine, but any medicines taken during pregnancy must be taken in consultation with a professional (e.g. Midwife, GP or Medical Herbalist). Choosing to change from prescription medicines to alternative treatments should normally be done with the help of a medical professional.
Herbal Remedies in our Glasgow Shop and Online

Herbal Remedies in our Glasgow Shop and Online

As well as our professional medical herbalists we have a wide range of herbal remedies and natural remedies suitable for over the counter use. Due to UK legislation the advise we can given on the use of certain herbs and products is restricted and where you are suffering from poor health or taking prescription medicines we would normally recommend seeing a qualified herbalist. The main relevent shop sections are:
make your own herbal tea | Natural Remedies | Remedies for Common Ailments | Liscenced Herbal Remedies

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