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Myofacial release Glasgow

The Fascial system is a continual network of fibres that surrounds, supports, and shapes the bones, muscles and organs that comprise the body. It is continuous from the top of your head to the tips of your fingers and toes and goes throughout the inside of your body. Fascia has different consistencies in different body areas, from very mobile strands to thick, unstretchable bands. Fascia allows the muscles and structures to glide as we move, giving us continuous pain-free movement

Our fascial system constantly adapts to how we use (and abuse) our bodies. It responds to the amount of tension we apply and becomes thicker if we habitually use our bodies in a particular way and thins when we no longer need it.
Our fascial system will alter in response to traumatic events, illness, and inflammation in the body. Fascia may become restricted and bound down after surgery or an injury. It has been shown to become thicker and less able to glide in response to both physical and emotional trauma. These restrictions and pulls in the fascial network can cause pain and change your posture and how the body functions as a whole.

Almost all hand-on treatments will involve an interaction with the facia. For many therapies there is a primary focus during training and treatment on musclulature and other soft tissues. Once qualified many therpists continue to grow and develop their knowedge and experience to better help their clients. This can often include training, workshops and other learning on how to manipulate and work with facia to improve clients health. More recently stand-alone qualifications on myofacial release have allowed therapists to undertake a certified learning course and offer Myofacial techniques as a stand-alone therapy. Currently in Woodland Herbs we have a number of therapists with stand-alone myofacial treament qualifications.
Fiona Hoey has an Advanced Clinical Diplomain Integrated Myofacial Therapy (IMFT) in from Myofascial release UK
Ju Scott has a qualification in Advanced Myofascial Release at the School of Holistic Therapy.
Nadine MacBay has a qualification in Myofascial Release.

Myofacial Release Calendar

Glasgow Myofacial release clinic times and prices are shown below - click on the therapists name below for more information about them or click here to view the full clinic diary.

Myofacial Therapy

Therapist Fiona Hoey


  • 1hr £50
  • Tuesday
  • morning
  • Wednesday
  • afternoon
  • Thursday
  • afternoon and evening

Therapist Julia Scott


  • 1hr £45
  • Tuesday
  • morning
  • Wednesday
  • morning
  • Thursday
  • morning

Therapist Nadine McBay


  • 1hr £45
  • Student £40
  • Monday
  • afternoon
  • Friday
  • morning and afternoon
  • Saturday
  • morning and afternoon
Book Now by Phone or Email If you are ready to book or need to ask a question then please get in touch.

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