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Reiki Healing Glasgow

Reiki Healing Glasgow
Reiki is a Japanese word meaning "universal life force" from Rei (universal) and ki (life force). If ki is weak or blocked, either consciously or sub-consciously, then the body may succumb to a physical disorder, become emotionally unbalanced or spiritually barren. During a treatment the reiki practitioner channels life force energy to the patient and removes any blockages in the client's ki.

How Reiki Works and where Reiki can be useful

Reiki is a powerful but gentle hands-on or hands-off healing technique that works on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.It can be useful for a wide range of conditions, physical, emotional and spiritual.

What to Expect during a Reiki Treatment at our Glasgow Centre

Treatment is received either sitting on a chair or on a treatment couch. The recipient remains fully clothed, however it is a good idea to loosen restrictive clothing and remove spectacles. The therapist places their hand on or over specific non-invasive areas of the body. These are the major energy centres of the body (chakras). A treatment usually lasts between 60 and 90 minutes.

Reiki Calendar

our Glasgow Reiki Therapy clinic times and prices are shown below - click on the therapists name below for more information about them or click here to view the full clinic diary.


Therapist Barney Green


  • 1hr £45
  • Book Now by Phone or Email
  • Monday
  • morn and aft
  • Tuesday
  • morn, aft and eve
  • Thursday
  • morn aft and eve

Therapist Nadine McBay


  • 1hr 30 minutes £45
  • Book Now by Phone or Email
  • Monday
  • morn and afternoon
  • Friday
  • morn and aft
  • Saturday
  • morn and aft

Therapist Isabel Findleton


  • 1hr £45
  • Book Now by Phone or Email
  • Wednesday
  • morn, aft
  • Friday
  • morn, aft
  • saturday
  • morn, aft
Book Now by Phone or Email If you are ready to book or need to ask a question then please get in touch.

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