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To process our transactions we used SAGEPAY, internet payment provider. SAGEPAY provides very high levels of internet and physical security to ensure sensitive information is never compromised.

Protx security measures include;

  • credit/debit card details are secured within 128-bit encrypted sessions.
  • sensitive information is stored on a heavily encrypted database that is protected by multiple government approved firewalls.
  • Using SAGEPAY ensures that Woodland Herbs doesn't have to hold sensitive information on their site, should anyone gain unauthorised access to their database the information they obtain will not allow them to recover credit card details or other sensitive information.
  • The possibility of obtaining sensitive information from the Protx database is minimised due to high levels of encryption; firewall security and the measures taken to ensure the information is indecipherable.
  • Several forms of physical security and multiple levels of system backup protect the Protx VSP and database. This makes transaction processing highly reliable and resilient to events such as security breach or power failure. Only authorised personnel can gain access to the VSP Server and fingerprint identification is required.

    During payment SAGEPAY use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption technology. This is the industry-standard security protocol, and it's used to communicate with secure browsers like Netscape and Internet Explorer. This prevents anyone else from reading the details of your credit card.

    Other Payment Methods

    If for any reason you do not wish to use your credit card online to make payment, you can click on the option to print it send it by post instead with a cheque, credit/switch card number or postal order.

    What to Look For

    To ensure that your order is being placed on a Secure Socket Layer, there are several visual clues displayed by your browser.

  • First, you will notice the "http" in your browser's URL location has changed to "https".
  • In Netscape browsers, you will see the lock located in the lower left corner will now appear closed with a slight glow.
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers will also display a closed lock,but in the lower right corner of the browser.
  • By looking in the security dialogue in your browser you can inspect the identity of the security certificate owner and be certain that you are trading with Woodland Herbs Limited.
  • Regardless of your browser, this website will display these visual clues to reassure you that your information is being transferred securely.

    Click anywhere outside this panel to close it.

    Right panel

    Clicking outside this panel wont close it because clickClose = false