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Massage Therapist are the worst massage clients

Massage therapists in a row
Massage therapists in a row

Massage therapists are renowned for being the worst people for looking after their own bodies. Being a massage therapist is a physically demanding job, often with 8 hours or more standing each day and applying pressure onto and into the muscles of their clients. Although most massage therapists know about posture and the importance of using a strong position to create the massage pressure from their whole bodies rather than just their hands or arms, giving a treatment can still place a lot of strain on the back and body.

One of the ways massage therapists can help manage their own health is receiving regular massage themselves, we have heard tutors suggest a guide of one treatment a month. Quite often this may be a “swap” with another therapist in the clinic where their empty times coincide, however this can often mean months go by without a treatment. Only yesterday a massage therapist friend of our clinic came in for a treatment with us. Although she works in a different massage clinic in Glasgow she explained that she like to get treatments away from her own workplace. Benefits she mentioned include being better able to relax, not getting caught up in work and that by trying other therapists she can learn new techniques and skills, or even just little touches to help clients relax.

She also explained that being able to “switch off” and relax in the treatment was vital as otherwise every touch and movement can be analysed rather than just enjoyed. This doesn’t mean that you can’t use your massage expertise to feedback what muscles you know need attention. I am not sure our image above of Barney Green, Catriona Gibson and Rosalind McCusker counts as a massage therapist’s massage, not for Barney anyway. If you are a masasge therapist in Glasgow then why not take care of yoruself with one of our therapeutic massage treatments. Our special Morning Massage price is available on weekday mornings.