Author: the team at woodland herbs
If you walk down any metropolitan high street you will no doubt notice an increasing number of twenty-something men with longer than usual beards and facial hair. This increasingly common trend is sweeping towns and cities across the country. The problem that arises from this is how to take care of and condition the beards and moustaches. Some beard oil recipes worth trying are a blend of carrier oils such as Jojoba, Argan, Coconut or […]
There are people in the world whose main job is to help us sit up correctly, stand in harmony with our bodies, run, walk, play instruments and all forms of movement exactly how nature intended. These amazing people are Alexander Technique teachers. For many teachers this is their overwhelming passion – helping people to reduce injuries, prevent wear and tear on their bodies, and to be able to go further, sit longer, have less pain […]
Since new EU restrictions came into force last year, many have found that their favourite tinctures are no longer on sale over the counter. However, with a little time and some basic items, you can make your own tinctures with the minimum of fuss.
Many of us will have experienced a temporary buzzing or ringing in the years after a night out at a noisy nightclub or concert, particularly if you’ve found yourself close to the speakers. For generations of teenagers, battle-hardened metallers and punks and hedonistic clubbers, how much noise a person can tolerate was often viewed as some sort of masochistic test of prowess. Hopefully such attitudes are disappearing, however. Take a look around next time you […]
Read our September newsletter for suggestions and information on headaches, Magnesium, Passionflower, Shiatsu and more.